Love this, Viam! “Why not?” is what I always wondered about pursuing a creative path. And now I am finally giving myself the permission to do it, no matter what anyone says. But I am picky now, with who I share it with, personally. At least while I try to gain my footing.

I also love painting as well! I used to love oil painting, but it gives me terrible migraines, so I do watercolor and digital painting on the iPad & Surface Book. Digital is great because there’s no clean up and you can always draw/paint in as little as 5 minutes. And it’s amazing how realistic the software is now. Some programs have brushes that mimic the texture and flow of real paint!

I’m planning to introduce art activities with downloadable print-outs to accompany my free Newsletter soon, as a way to foster creativity, self-care, and meditation for my Subscribers.

There will be free-flowing exercises to draw/paint based on a theme/subject, as well as downloadable coloring pages so we can just let go and see what color choices we each make as a community.

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I don't see why people should not explore all avenues that interests them. I, too, have a lot of interests and am not bothered one bit if people comment about it.

'Jack of all trades, master of none' , they say. To which I retort, "Never have I said I wanted to be a master, but being jack sure sounds fun"

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Cómo bien dices, solo uno mismo se entiende. Y que bien que has tomado conciencia de eso.

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I love this, and I try to really live by it, especially since starting a family and having a full-time career. Sometimes well-meaning folks like to remind me how busy I am and, as you put it, “gently tease” me that I don’t have time to write on Substack or learn how to record/edit video (a passion I only discovered recently). In my experience, there’s certainly no malicious intent behind these statements. Folks are just trying to make sure I’m not overextending myself. But we need the art, right? It’s what helps us do all the other things we have to do and make sense of them—at least in my case, anyway. Thanks for this reminder.

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Thanks for this.

We don't know from the outset what we want to be. And until we explore, we can't tell the extent of our abilities and the flexibility of our identities.

I hope I don't just know this. I hope I practice it as well.

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